quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013



Verbs Tenses

Em Inglês, podemos distinguir três tipos de verbos: os verbos regulares, os irregulares e os auxiliares. Os verbos regulares formam a passado simples e o particípio passado acrescentando-se -(d, ou id) à sua forma básica infinitiva.

Auxiliaries verbs BE and DO: 

Um verbo auxiliar modifica o verbo principal da oração. Os auxiliares comuns são be, have, e do.

Modal Auxiliaries/ Modal Verbs

What are modal verbs?

Modal verbs belong to the larger category of a auxiliary verbs and it comes immediately before the main verb in affirmative and negative statements (e. g. can do; shouldn`t matter). In questions, modal verbs come before the subject. Example: May I go?

Modal verb may have several meanings or functions:

Os auxiliares modais são assim chamados porque substituem o modo subjuntivo em diversos casos e se referem à atitude de uma pessoa em relação aos fatos ou estados que reporta.

See the use of  Modal Verbs in the text bellow:


Study this example situation:

John is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep.  So: He is not driving a bus. ( He is asleep.), but He drives a bus. ( He is a bus driver. )

Drive (s) / work (s) / do (es), etc... is the present simple.

We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We are not thinking only about now. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in genaral. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking:

Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
I usually go away at weekends. 
The earth goes round the sun.

Diferenças entre os verbos to do and to make e principais formas de uso:

Verb Forms:


Read and practice the dialog bellow:

Phrasal Verb

We often use verbs with the following words: IN, ON, UP, AWAY, ROUND, ABOUT, OVER, BY, OUT, OFF, DOWN, BACK, THROUGH, ALONG FORWARD. So you can say put out/ get on, take off, run away etc. These verbs are phrasal verbs.

We often use OUT/ OFF/ UP ETC. with verbs of movement. For example:

GET ON....................The bus was full. We couldn`t get on.
DRIVE OFF..............A woman got into the car and drove off.
COME BACK..........Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
TURN ROUND.......When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.

In Phrasal Verbs, the second word ( out/ off/ up, etc... ) gives a special meaning to the verb. Sometimes a Phrasal Verb is followed by a preposition.

 In other case, a Phrasal Verb has an object. Usually there are two possible positions for the object. So you can say:

I turned off the light. or I turned the light off.
                      object                            object

If the object is a pronoun like it, them, me, him, etc, only one position is possible:

I turned it off.

Em  Inglês temos alguns verbos como to say, to tell e to ask que são usados para fazer referência a fala de uma pessoa, porém tais verbos apresentam um específico contexto para diferentes ocasiões. Veja na tabela abaixo:


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