quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013


Referring to people and things without naming them: it is pronouns!

Mentioning possession: possessive pronouns:

When you are talking about people or things, you often want to say in what way they are connected with each other. There are several different ways in which you can do this, but you most often do it by using a possessive pronoun to indicate that something belong to someone or is associated with them.

Here is a table showing possessive pronouns:


Her parents were in Malaya, and so were mine.
Is that coffee yours or mine?
It was his fault, not theirs.

Referring back to the subject: reflexive pronouns

When you want to show that the abject or indirect object of a verb is the same person or thing as the subject of the verb, you use a reflexe pronoun.

Here is a table of reflexive pronouns:


I`m sure history repeats itself.
All of us shook hands and introduced ourselves.
He forced himself to lie absolutely still.

Referring to people and things in a general way: indefinite pronouns

When you want to refer to people or things but you do not know exactly who or what they are, or their identity is not important, you can see an indefinite pronoun. An infinitive pronoun indicates only whether you are talking about people or about things, rather than referring to a specific person or thing.

Here is a list of indefinite pronouns:

You always use singular verbs with indefinite pronouns.


Is anyone here?
Everybody recognizes the importance of education.
Everything was ready.
Nothing is certain in this word.

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