quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013


What an adjective is and what it does?

" An adjective describes the person, thing, etc which a noun refers to. We use adjectives to say what a person, etc is like or seems like... An adjective can also describe the idea (s) contained in a whole group of words... "

 (L. G. Alexander, Logman English Grammar, 1997 )

---> Some adjectives always go before the noun (or after a form of be):

I have a new teacher. My teacher is fantastic.

----> Adjectives have no plural form:

John has a great record. Jorn has great records.

See more:

Comparison of Adjetive:

Short                                                         long                                                 Irregular

 1 syllable.....................................2 or more syllables................................................................................
2 syllables ending in -y..............................................................................................................................

short + er = shorter.....................interesting = more interesting..........................good = better.................
late + er = later................................................................................................bad = worse...................
big + g + er = bigger.....................beautiful = less beautiful.....................................................................
happ + ier = happier.............................................................................................................................

A comparative can stant on it is own if the reference is clear. Example: The grey coat is longer. However, if we need to mention each item, then we must use the after the comparative. When than is followed by a noun or pronoun it functions as if it were a preposition when it is followed by a clouse, it functions as if it were a conjunction, but note the ambiguity of.


Our new car is smaller than our old car.
This book is more interesting than that book.
That book is less interesting than this book.

Here is a list of some adjectives:

Many adjectives can be used either before the noun they describe, or following linking verbs such as appear, be, become, feel, get, and seem.


The high price surprised him.
The price seemed high.

You can know somebody:

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